Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177381-177400 of all 182,960 gems.
177,376975minitest-trailblazerMinitest integration for Trailblazer
177,376975edgar_palindromeLearn enough Ruby to implement palindrome detector
177,376975restful-portfoliosRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Portfolios RESTful microservice
177,384974fastlane-plugin-telegram_senderAllows post messages to telegram channel
177,384974pinboard_logseqExport from Pinboard to Logseq
177,384974turbo-rubyTurbo helpers without the requirement for Rails
177,384974bible-lookupReturns bible verses.
177,384974gem_with_c_extensionthis is an example how to create a Ruby Gem with a C-Extension
177,384974haml2phlexthis is a 'good enough' converter from haml view rendering to phlex view .
177,384974fuck_offProtect your shit
177,384974jekyll-theme-apcspThis is CS50's theme for Jekyll.
177,384974foobara-type-generatorGenerates Foobara types
177,384974pagy_mongoid_cursorPagy Extra to do cursor based pagination for Mongoid.
177,394973copydroneCopydrone implementes a service object locator pattern
177,394973cddsA Ruby interface for searching disqualified company directors and senior managers
177,394973fixture_champagneData migration pattern applied to fixtures. Create, update and keep fixtures synced wit...
177,394973logstash-filter-hash_selectThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
177,394973acoustikinesisThis gem will create audio out of now where
177,394973uule_converterA Ruby library for encoding and decoding UULE parameters in Google search URLs using co...
177,400972hoptrackerhoptracker is a paris-traceroute-like program that can discover the hops in the path, t...