Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177421-177440 of all 182,288 gems.
177,407874shieldifyAuthentication solution for Rails APIs.
177,407874jekyll_badgeDisplays a badge on a Jekyll page for the package showing its version
177,423873streamdalStreamdal SDK
177,423873bryton-liteBare bones implementation of the Bryton testing protocol
177,423873xml_in_kdlAllows XML to be encoded as KDL
177,423873harknessDive into the Marvel universe with this comprehensive Ruby library for the Marvel API a...
177,423873mruby_gem_scaffoldingCreates a blank mruby gem for you with all the required files generated automatically.
177,423873weepsMy first gem
177,429872jekyll-theme-unityMaterial 3 is a design language developed by Google in 2014.
177,429872Mott_MacDonald_ThemeA MM theme
177,429872render_build_setupCreates the build file needed for deploying to Render
177,429872lodfHelps developers to do local development easily for ruby projects.
177,429872huginn_zoom_status_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,435871email_forward_parserParse forwarded emails from body and subject
177,435871git-branch-selectorThis is a Git branch selection tool. It provides a way to quickly look back at your mos...
177,435871disallowdisallow certain features in ActiveRecord models such as `default_scope`, `callbacks`
177,435871tigergraphThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,435871synckiqSynchronous Sidekiq abilities.
177,435871chatgpt_cliCLI of ChatGPT