Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177441-177460 of all 182,288 gems.
177,435871nanocsidenavA gem for displaying navigation menu in sidebar.
177,435871rodash-bi_.set, _.get, and _.unset for Ruby
177,435871tazworks-apiRuby Wrapper for Tazworks background screening TazAPI.
177,435871rcv_deeplinkConverts a reference to a deep link to LSM's bible text site
177,435871ruby-openai-pineconeThis gem provides out-of-the-box functionality for generating vectors using the OpenAI ...
177,435871md-showPreview markdown in a web page with the possibility of running sql snippets.
177,435871gather_town_rubyGives you an easy way to read and write to maps and spaces within Gather Town.
177,435871tk_game_of_lifeA simple Game of Life gem
177,449870nimmoia soft Jekyll theme for simple sites
177,449870service_orchestratorA small library to help you manage services with dependency injection.
177,449870jekyll-disqus-pluginIt provides the tags for the comment box, the counter and the related Javascript initia...
177,449870visual-qrcodeA gem to generate working QRCodes with images in their background
177,453869filecraftFilecraft provides a simple interface for validating and processing files of various ty...
177,453869remove_reserved_keywords_extensionAdd `remove_reserved_keywords` to ActiveJob::Base
177,453869rails-routes-prettierThe rails-routes-prettier gem makes it easy to view the routes in your Rails applicatio...
177,453869persistence-detectorMany programs run automatically at system startup. We call these persistent auto-start ...
177,453869logstash-output-splunk_hecLogstash Output Plugin for SplunkHec
177,458868jp-national-taxTax calculation libs for Japan National tax
177,458868mega_lotto_chiMegaLotto is a gem which draws an array of 5 random integers between 0 to 60(excluding).
177,458868kaomojis_listCollection of Kaomoji (=^・ω・^=)