Total Downloads Ranking
Most downloads over all time
177481-177500 of all 183,193 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
177,475 | 989 | lakala | Lakala gem with some basic features |
177,482 | 988 | phlexi-table | A better way to build tables for your Rails application |
177,482 | 988 | abi2sol | abi2sol gem - command-line tool for application binary interface (abi) to solidity (con... |
177,482 | 988 | kryolite | kryolite |
177,482 | 988 | fastlane-plugin-telegram_sender | Allows post messages to telegram channel |
177,482 | 988 | raounak-resume | It is a CLI application which provides my resume |
177,482 | 988 | lm | Logic Minimizer Library |
177,488 | 987 | cers | A Ruby interface for searching parties in roles in one or more companies |
177,488 | 987 | google-apps-events-subscriptions | The Google Workspace Events API lets you subscribe to events and manage change notifica... |
177,488 | 987 | felt | View Components for building forms in Rails applications |
177,488 | 987 | careacademy-acl9 | Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails ap... |
177,492 | 986 | k12-ims-lti | Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers |
177,492 | 986 | ruby-livesync | Lightweight and fast live sync daemon |
177,492 | 986 | gem_patch_patch | Nothing to see here! |
177,492 | 986 | cz_system_info | Move Daniel Berger's sys code into one. |
177,492 | 986 | edgar_palindrome | Learn enough Ruby to implement palindrome detector |
177,497 | 985 | linger | Provide Devise-style authentication helpers for StimulusReflex |
177,498 | 984 | turbo-ruby | Turbo helpers without the requirement for Rails |
177,498 | 984 | pzem016 | PZEM-016 is a cheap power monitoring thing you can get from aliexpress for usually very... |
177,498 | 984 | haml2phlex | this is a 'good enough' converter from haml view rendering to phlex view . |