Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177481-177500 of all 182,288 gems.
177,477865customMy DIY theme.
177,477865webmockdumpPatch for webmock that instead of halting is doing and dumping the request for easier m...
177,477865rspec-description_consistencyAutomatic checking of consistency of descriptions in context and describe blocks, and c...
177,484864hola-sosliA simple hello world gem
177,485863rubyblokSimple Storyblok CMS integration for Rails
177,485863logstash-input-omadaPoll Omada API for clients, devices, and statistics.
177,485863rebbleJekyll theme for Rebble stuff
177,485863favicon_factoryFaviconFactory generates from an SVG the minimal set of icons needed by modern browsers.
177,485863yamlfishYAMLFish helps developers and product managers with i18n and translation management sim...
177,485863thread_ioa small class that loads files in the background via a Thread
177,491862codewords_solverA simple algorithm for solving codeword puzzles
177,491862weighted_lotteryProvides weighted randomization lottery by given ratios.
177,491862juneso-analytics-rubyThe ruby analytics library
177,491862logstash-input-airthingsConnect to AirThings API
177,495861rephlexFast and Fun. A ruby micro-framework built on Roda, Sequel, and Phlex
177,495861sidekiq-job-signalSignal a job to quit, and block the job from executing through middleware.
177,495861name_generatorThis gem generates random names.
177,495861rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-obs-howto-202304Tokyo Debian Open Build Service Howto 202304
177,500860ruby_avatar_smithruby_avatar_smith is a Ruby gem that provides functionality to generate avatars with us...