Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177521-177540 of all 182,288 gems.
177,520855yaml_extensionsExtensions to make YAML even more useful
177,520855abc_csvThe 'abc-csv' gem is a Ruby library that provides a simple and efficient way to generat...
177,520855studio_game_michaelwestphalStudio Game The Studio Game developed taking the Ruby Programming course from the Prag...
177,524854sidekiq-job-statsTracks jobs performed, failed, and the duration of the last 100 jobs for each job type.
177,524854uuid_migrationsA simple gem to automatically add UUID to activerecord migrations
177,524854flipper-stale-flagsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,524854omniauth-feraOmniAuth strategy for Fera apps.
177,524854aksh_new_gem_96A simple hello world gem
177,524854twilio-railsA Rails engine that provides the framework to build complex phone interactions using th...
177,524854damsiTurns DFG into a flow of events
177,524854ballparcWill be used for the Ballparc API integration.
177,532853jekyll_ai_related_postsPopulate ai_related_posts using Open AI embeddings
177,532853filenames_setVery simple class to ensure that filenames are unique. If you are generating files into...
177,532853binenc-javaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,532853cdp-sdkCDP SDK Toolkit
177,532853configxConfigX is a Ruby library for configuration management. It provides battle-tested defau...
177,537852spannedHelpful if you are adding hover events on every letter or word of text
177,537852kaimonoCreate your Shopping List. The kaimono command generates a shopping list with checkboxe...
177,537852google_books_clientA simple client for Google Books API. Provides a interface for searching and serializin...
177,540851controller_runtimeEasily add runtime information to your Rails app.