Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177581-177600 of all 182,288 gems.
177,578843bt_palindromeRuby palindrome detector
177,578843kassa24Kassa24 API wrapper (online payments)
177,578843pplx-api-rubyOne of the fastest ways to access Mistral 7B, Llama2 13B, Code Llama 34B, Llama2 70B, r...
177,584842mehranA simple way to partition an array of integers based on their parity
177,584842nmax_winterthe gem allows you to find the n largest numbers for a given input text sequence
177,584842masked_attributeAdds methods for a bit masked field
177,584842ractor_dnsA concurrent DNS server built on Ractors with a simple and expressive API to integrate ...
177,584842ruby6502A Ruby emulator for the 6502. The 6502 is powered by
177,589841hamachiFlexible and type-safe representation of JSON data.
177,589841smart_contractComing soon
177,589841gygy gem
177,589841cleanrpcZero-dependency RPC for Bitcoin Core in Ruby.
177,589841prawn-table-continuedPrawn::Table provides tables for the Prawn PDF toolkit
177,594840sqlsnipGem sqlsnip
177,594840csv_geocoderWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,594840envirobly-orchestraContainer orchestration agent.
177,594840rails_admin_tokensSetup an action to be called for the configured object.
177,599839am_pmam pm
177,599839fluent-plugin-user-agent-parserFluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent