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178001-178020 of all 182,139 gems.
178,001744mocionAn `emotion` / `styled-components` clone based in Ruby. Produced by Assemble Company.
178,002743phlex-icons-lucideLucide icons library for Phlex
178,002743omniauth-miro-tA Miro OAuth strategy for OmniAuth 2.0
178,002743google-shopping-merchant-accounts-v1betaProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...
178,002743siwe_railsCustom Rails Engine to server local pages for SIWE
178,002743yamlfishEasily manage your translations with yamlfish
178,002743devil_fruitA Ruby Gem that provides a simple method to return a randomly selected Devil Fruit name...
178,002743hola_usamaDemo notifier mainly focused for deliverting web notifications using non legacy apis
178,002743EVTApiEventorm API gem
178,002743ronin-reconronin-recon is a micro-framework and tool for performing reconnaissance. ronin-recon us...
178,002743jekyll-hashsertA jekyll plugin that generates random alphanumeric hashes of custom length and inserts ...
178,014742rails_serveDescription of RailsServe.
178,014742weaviate_recordAn ORM for Weaviate vector database that follows the same conventions as the ActiveReco...
178,014742caberA simple ReBAC / Zanzibar gem for Rails apps.
178,014742simple_gol_consoleSimple Game of Life in Console
178,014742docrb-parserdocrb-parser is responsible for parsing Ruby sources into a structured format for usag...
178,019741balaclavaValidate users through 6 digits codes sent by email.
178,019741rest_countriesGet information about countries via a RESTful API. Current version: 3.1. You can access...