Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178041-178060 of all 181,568 gems.
178,036672lim-stringerA Gem File for extending strings functionality
178,036672http-cat-railsConfigurable Ruby gem that replaces error pages with image
178,043671crmp_clientRuby client for the 38 Degrees CRMP system.
178,044670render_build_setupCreates the build file needed for deploying to Render
178,044670masked-emailA simple command-line script for generating masked email addresses via Fastmail
178,044670jsapiJsapi can be used to read requests, produce responses and create OpenAPI documents
178,044670pluckerPlucker allows projecting a query into a specifically defined struct for the query.
178,048669foobara-utilUtility functions used across various Foobara projects
178,048669party_poopA gem that returns an array of the words party and poop
178,048669saga_orchestratorFramework to help employ the Saga Orchestration patterns in ruby or rails applications....
178,051668raoh_triggerProvide before_action and after_action class method
178,051668avishekA simple XSS Vulnerable Sample COde
178,051668sonneRuby port of Sonne (Python library). For documentation
178,051668wsgameThis is an application used in The Pragmatic Studio's home work Ruby Programming course...
178,055667bandoleerIoC container focussing on the automatic extraction of constants from ruby files.
178,055667devdevThis gem provides the tools to run and document the steps required to set up the develo...
178,057666norm_distGem gives approximate normal distribution values(pdf and cdf).
178,057666lesli_driverUnified calendar app for The Lesli Framework.
178,057666nicerA simple nice blog theme for Jekyll
178,057666simple_auth-magic_linkPasswordless sign-in for simple_auth.