Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178041-178060 of all 182,240 gems.
178,040749wa_cloud_apiRuby SDK for whatsapp cloud api
178,040749case_structEnable using Hash like structures to be used as an alternative to case/when expressions.
178,043748balaclavaValidate users through 6 digits codes sent by email.
178,043748singlGiven a class, it will extract all instance methods taking no arguments into singleton ...
178,043748upiThis gem generates UPI QR codes for payments. It can be used in e-commerce applications...
178,043748oci-logging-analytics-kubernetes-discoveryA rubygem for discovering Kubernetes resources and send it to OCI Logging Analytics.
178,048747w4b-fileA Ruby gem to scan websites for specific file types and hidden files.
178,048747wakabaSuggested solutions to errors for beginners in Japanese (frequent errors).
178,048747devil_fruitA Ruby Gem that provides a simple method to return a randomly selected Devil Fruit name...
178,048747sensu-plugins-mongodb-mrtrotlThis plugin provides native MongoDB instrumentation for m...
178,048747pulsar-client-rubyApache Pulsar native client for Ruby
178,053746weaviate_recordAn ORM for Weaviate vector database that follows the same conventions as the ActiveReco...
178,053746jekyll-hashsertA jekyll plugin that generates random alphanumeric hashes of custom length and inserts ...
178,053746elasticgraph-datastore_coreElasticGraph gem containing the core datastore support types and logic.
178,053746natemoudakisMy first Gem including my contact information
178,053746rest_countriesGet information about countries via a RESTful API. Current version: 3.1. You can access...
178,053746EVTApiEventorm API gem
178,053746minenumEnum for Ruby
178,053746mocionAn `emotion` / `styled-components` clone based in Ruby. Produced by Assemble Company.