Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177981-178000 of all 182,139 gems.
177,980749fivemanProcess manager for applications with multiple components
177,980749file_to_tempfileEasily convert a File object to a Tempfile object.
177,980749wilson_view_toolOutputs my name, a copyright, and the current year onto a webpage
177,980749parity_prop_7776A simple parity_prop gem to slipt array by parity
177,985748tailwind_theme-railsRails helpers for TailwindTheme
177,985748frostrbRuby implementations of Two-Round Threshold Schnorr Signatures with FROST.
177,985748browsing_facadeA facade for browsing
177,985748sshfaceYou can create .ssh-name1 and .ssh-name2 folders and pick what you want
177,989747singlGiven a class, it will extract all instance methods taking no arguments into singleton ...
177,989747relation_kitRelationKit API client
177,989747case_structEnable using Hash like structures to be used as an alternative to case/when expressions.
177,992746lti_nrpsImplmentation of the LTI NRPS standard for Ruby.
177,992746testcontainers-nginxTestcontainers makes it easy to create and clean up container-based dependencies for au...
177,992746sensu-plugins-mongodb-mrtrotlThis plugin provides native MongoDB instrumentation for m...
177,992746pulsar-client-rubyApache Pulsar native client for Ruby
177,996745pg-verifyTool for the declaration and transformation of program graphs
177,996745natemoudakisMy first Gem including my contact information
177,996745validates_identity-pa_rucValidates Panama RUC Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
177,996745google_maps_embedGoogle_Maps_Embed is a versatile Ruby gem designed to simplify the generation of Google...