Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177941-177960 of all 182,240 gems.
177,938769pg_qxpg_query extension
177,942768famitracker_parserRuby gem for parsing text files exported from FamiTracker
177,942768train-f5A Train plugin that allows Inspec to call the F5 REST API
177,942768google-shopping-merchant-data_sources-v1betaProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...
177,946767enrollCode made by: Assemble Company.
177,946767tolgee_liquidA gem that integrate Tolgee Platform to Shopify Liquid template engine.
177,946767use_paragonProduct & engineering teams use Paragon's SDK & embedded iPaaS to ship native integ...
177,946767querty_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,950766comet-cppComet.cpp is a JavaScript client framework
177,950766numeric-filesizeThis adds methods to numeric class to returns bytes from filesize and reverse.
177,950766jekyll-atom-feedA Jekyll plugin to generate an Atom feed of your Jekyll posts
177,953765rubocop-jbuilderCheck at build time that your views written with jbuilder are in good shape
177,953765num4difftesttest of difference of population mean.
177,953765minimaJakeMinima, but with the missing functionality added
177,956764kiqrKIQR is a Rails engine that provides a solid foundation for building SaaS applications.
177,956764enrolledCode made by: Assemble Company.
177,956764hroulston_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome detector
177,956764cutieA really cute Jekyll theme
177,956764my-dropbox-apiThe **dropbox-api** is a Ruby gem for managing DropBox uploading, downloading and shari...