Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177961-177980 of all 182,139 gems.
177,953753duo_universal_railsDuo Universal Rails gem allows a webb developer to quickly add Duo's interactive, self-...
177,962752omnievent-outlookAn Outlook strategy for OmniEvent
177,962752omniauth-web3idOmniAuth extension for WEB3ID authentication
177,962752nd-pg-enum-migrationsHelpers to create, update and delete PG Enum in your Rails project.
177,962752samshasheA simple hello world gem
177,962752testcontainers-mongoTestcontainers makes it easy to create and clean up container-based dependencies for au...
177,962752i18n-aii18n-ai is a gem that converts your locales into different languages automatically
177,962752tehghoshalA simple hello world gem
177,962752mina-secrets-transferHelps handling secrets files in Mina
177,962752utility_uiCurrently in development
177,972751embulk-filter-mysql_testMysql Test
177,972751active_fluxThe gem allows you to query InfluxDB with Flux syntax in an ORM fashion.
177,972751sherbetA Sorbet shim
177,972751utility_componentsCurrently in development
177,972751jekyll-theme-chirpy-clarkezoneChirpy is a minimal, sidebar, responsive web design Jekyll theme that focuses on text p...
177,972751foodie-ingmarskMy first gem
177,972751evm-tx-input-decoderThis is a simple gem that helps decoding and encoding transactions input datafor EVM ba...
177,979750ductr-postgresAllows ductr to interact with PostgreSQL DMBS.
177,980749elasticgraph-schema_artifactsElasticGraph gem containing code related to generated schema artifacts.