Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178101-178120 of all 183,181 gems.
178,099873rspec_sql_counterRSpec matcher for SQL queries
178,102872logstash-filter-device_detectorDetects a vast amount of different devices automaticly based on regex rules.
178,102872imageproxy_rubyA Ruby client for Image Proxy Server
178,102872uinit-typeDynamic type checker
178,102872foobara-domain-generatorGenerates Foobara domains
178,102872petri_dish_labPetri Dish allows for various configuration options to let users to customize and exper...
178,102872kassa24Kassa24 API wrapper (online payments)
178,102872rails_admin_tokensSetup an action to be called for the configured object.
178,109871counter_oneCounterOne provides improved counter cache for Rails app with support various relations...
178,109871jekyll-wkdJekyll plugin to generate an OpenPGP Web Key Directory (WKD)
178,109871editusThis application is a user-friendly web interface designed to work with a Ruby on Rails...
178,109871am_pmam pm
178,109871onegaishimasuCode made by: Assemble Company.
178,109871tatus_task1_gem1a long description
178,115870foundry_rubyRead and write Foundry files in Ruby.
178,115870ordgenordgen - ordinals (generative ORC-721) inscription (on bitcoin & co) helpers to generat...
178,115870my_solaredgeA tool to get data from Solaredge's monitoring website, commonly data from solar panels
178,115870peplum-templatePeplum template project.
178,115870smart_contractComing soon