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178161-178180 of all 182,240 gems.
178,153730where_streetsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,162729object_context_loggerLogging helper that prefixes the object context it was called from into the log message
178,162729studio_game_jspMy first Ruby program
178,162729omniauth-ruesiaDescription of Ruesia.
178,162729revtreeRevTree builds a recursive directory tree and compares file revisions. It can mark file...
178,162729devcamp_view_tool_practiceProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
178,162729boothIn Devise you own controllers, models and views. With Booth you don't own the models (m...
178,162729stat_trackrWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,169728auto-release-testingWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,169728koperIt extends some standard classes with operators whose mathematical and logical meaning ...
178,169728google_parserWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,169728hanami_emailRuby API client for Hanami email forwarding
178,169728cocoapods-packager-nextAn alternative to cocoapods-packager, adapted to the latest Xcode. CocoaPods plugin wh...
178,169728hackernews_api_clientClient for HackerNews APIs
178,169728slimpay_clientRuby library for Slimpay's API.
178,176727devops_system_util_profilerdevops system utility profiler for bioinformatics that does all the task required in th...
178,176727frameio-apiBasic and WIP API wrapper for Uses OAuth2 and omniauth-frameio strategy gem.
178,176727doc_simCalculating approximate document similarity withlocality sensitive hashing algorithm us...
178,179726billing_logicThere are only a few way to calculate prorations & manage recurring payments.
178,179726tiunTiun is an old russian high level manager for a city from a prince or boyar. According ...