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178181-178200 of all 182,276 gems.
178,176730where_streetsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,176730stat_trackrWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,183729auto-release-testingWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,183729studio_game_jspMy first Ruby program
178,183729google_parserWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,183729gl_commandGive Lively Commands
178,183729devcamp_view_tool_practiceProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
178,183729boothIn Devise you own controllers, models and views. With Booth you don't own the models (m...
178,189728koperIt extends some standard classes with operators whose mathematical and logical meaning ...
178,189728hanami_emailRuby API client for Hanami email forwarding
178,189728cocoapods-packager-nextAn alternative to cocoapods-packager, adapted to the latest Xcode. CocoaPods plugin wh...
178,189728iso-jsonpathRuby implementation of
178,189728hackernews_api_clientClient for HackerNews APIs
178,189728doc_simCalculating approximate document similarity withlocality sensitive hashing algorithm us...
178,195727devops_system_util_profilerdevops system utility profiler for bioinformatics that does all the task required in th...
178,195727frameio-apiBasic and WIP API wrapper for Uses OAuth2 and omniauth-frameio strategy gem.
178,195727solidus_pagySolidus extension using Pagy pagination.
178,198726outline_vpn_apiRuby API wrapper for Outline VPN Server
178,198726billing_logicThere are only a few way to calculate prorations & manage recurring payments.
178,198726schwad_hello_worlde a longer description or delete this line.