Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178141-178160 of all 182,240 gems.
178,135733excelsedScan and replace text in xlsx file
178,142732SGWorkGameThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course,...
178,142732mongo_apiUse this gem to create a REST API using MongoDB Atlas Data API.
178,142732hacker_rank_pioneer_gemproviding hacker rank solutions
178,142732mergrationConvert mermaid ER diagram to a migration file
178,142732git-pr-release-roadrunnergit-pr-release creates a pull request which summarizes feature branches that are to be ...
178,142732scriptoriumA blog system based on Ruby and Livetext
178,142732mahis_emr_api_labThis adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...
178,149731google-apis-developerconnect_v1This is the simple REST client for Developer Connect API V1. Simple REST clients are Ru...
178,149731hindi_name_to_english_converterA gem for convert hindi name into english properly not translated
178,149731testcontainers-redpandaTestcontainers makes it easy to create and clean up container-based dependencies for au...
178,149731phlex-icons-remixRemix icons library for Phlex
178,153730grazerGrazer initially use Faker to obfuscate real data in production database
178,153730openmrs_data_sanitizerThis gem will mask all patient identifyable data before exporting to AWS FHIR API
178,153730phlex-icons-radixRadix icons library for Phlex
178,153730fconverterA file converter with many options.
178,153730gotenbergA simple Ruby client for gotenberg
178,153730starryAn implementation of HTTP Structured Field Values (RFC 8941)
178,153730idi_smsSMS-Gateway API DETAILS For SMS API FOR DENGUE TRACKING SYSTEM NEW. Short Code 8070
178,153730sjscura_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector