Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178221-178240 of all 183,181 gems.
178,220850strings-parserThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,220850football-timezonesfootball-timezones - time & timezone helpers for football (league) data
178,220850google-shopping-merchant-lfp-v1betaProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...
178,220850miguRuby code base migration tool.
178,220850hst-funbizAPI Wrapper for SinoPac FunBiz Payment
178,220850airthingsAirthings Consumer API Ruby Gem
178,227849zapperClient library for the API
178,227849google-cloud-backupdr-v1google-cloud-backupdr-v1 is the official client library for the Backup and DR Service V...
178,227849sanitizableA gem to help sanitize input for any Rails model by providing a `sanitizable` concern
178,227849yugabyte_ysqlPg_YugabyteDB is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL-compatible YugabyteDB. It works w...
178,227849omniauth-douyinDouYin OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
178,227849simple_ajax_formSince rails 7 uses HotWire, it became a bit hard to implement ajax submissions on form;...
178,227849africa_palindromeThis gem detects palindromes like 'racecar' and 'Madam, I'm Adam'
178,234848lzAnalyze command history and suggest aliases so you can type less.
178,234848squisherDo some simple addition
178,234848api_modelsCore components used in the API Microservice.
178,234848active_model-validations-aiValidate that your Active Record models comply with legal policies, verified by AI.
178,234848cwlogs_ioIO-like streams for CloudWatch Logs.
178,240847ruby-http-sessionHTTP::Session - a session abstraction for http.rb in order to support Cookies and Caching.