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Most downloads over all time
178221-178240 of all 182,276 gems.
178,217723jekyll_videoEmbed an HTML video into a web page.
178,217723mintyml-jekyllWrite pages in MinTyML, a minimalist alternative syntax for HTML.
178,217723lesli_vaultSecurity Management Module for the Lesli Framework.
178,224722github-label-managercoming soon.
178,224722currency-conversion-apiRuby bindings for the currencyapi
178,224722devise-passkeyAllow Devise users to authenticate via webauthn-compliant passkeys, like Yubikey, FaceI...
178,224722threads_client_rubyUnofficial, Reverse-Engineered Ruby client for Meta's Threads. Supports Read and Write.
178,228721calculatorjdsrThis gem is a simple calculator that allows you to calculate basic arithmetic functions
178,228721mythicA build system in Ruby designed for offloading program builds to remote machines.
178,231720rpg_rubyRpg files in Ruby.
178,231720integration_workflowA Ruby DSL for building integration workflows.
178,231720humanumSimple translation from numbers to words and vice versa
178,231720rubocop-dir_methodsThis gem is a tool designed to extend the functionality of RuboCop.It provides single R...
178,231720selectableLoad all of the classes and modules in a namespace so that they are selectable
178,231720pando_botAn simple API wrapper for pando lake/leaf/rings
178,231720connect_cuatroDigital version of the Classic Connect Four boardgame.
178,231720dcommManage your Discord application commands from the command line.
178,239719altchaA lightweight library for creating and verifying ALTCHA challenges.
178,239719miniswitchSet switches for your app