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Most downloads over all time
178201-178220 of all 183,181 gems.
178,199853ixmlInvisible XML is a language and set of technologies for making the implicit structure o...
178,199853gaco_cmsA lightweight Ruby on Rails cms suitable for any Rails application
178,199853lilit-sqllilit-sql is a Ruby DSL for composing production-grade analytical SQLs The DSL support...
178,205852foobara-redis-crud-driver-generatorGenerates a Foobara redis_crud_driver
178,205852LFAWeb application framework to mount AWS Lambda functions as request handlers
178,205852screenshots_pagepixelsPagePixels Screenshots is a Ruby Gem that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface f...
178,205852htrbHTRB is a dsl for html and webcomponents
178,205852pasternak_video_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,205852sidekiq-tamerA simple way to protect your resources from Sidekiq scaling
178,205852xaba(un)packer for Xamarin assemblies.blob
178,205852privy_wine_bouncerA Ruby gem that allows Oauth2 protection with Doorkeeper for Grape Api's
178,213851bridgetown_sequelBridgetown plugin for integrating the Sequel database gem
178,213851inspec-reporter-otel-hnyInSpec Reporter plugin to report Otel formatted traces to Honeycomb.
178,213851rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-d-i-font-202307Tokyo Debian Debian Installer Issue 202307
178,213851sinkholeCode made by: Assemble Company.
178,213851rubocop-rspec-documentationLint RSpec examples embedded in Markdown files
178,213851rubocop-rubyk0va1's rubocop template for Ruby
178,213851cognito_idpClient for interacting with Amazon Cognito IdP (User Pools) endpoints.
178,220850dadProject basics