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178201-178220 of all 182,276 gems.
178,198726huginn_bluesky_publish_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,198726tiunTiun is an old russian high level manager for a city from a prince or boyar. According ...
178,198726elasticgraph-graphqlThe ElasticGraph GraphQL query engine.
178,204725mail_autoconfig_revivedDetermine configuration details for a mailbox using Mozilla's ISPDB
178,204725mvskA simple programming language
178,204725ronin-web-browserronin-web-browser is a Ruby library for automating the Chrome web browser. ronin-web-br...
178,204725jnc_apiThis is a very sparse and light wrapper for the J-Novel Club API. It is not intended to...
178,204725atethechonOpen Source collection of contacts from Development Organizations around the world.
178,204725clean_actionsA modern modular service object toolkit for Rails, that respects database transactions ...
178,204725drews-holaA simple hello world gem
178,211724ronin-masscanronin-masscan is a Ruby library and CLI for working with masscan. ronin-masscan can par...
178,211724infixDrop-in DSL config language for Ruby classes.
178,211724sid-csvsid-csv implements a library and a command-line interface to YANG sid files as CSV
178,211724model_decoratorThis wraps the logic of SimpleDelegator to use the Decorator Design Patter in a Ruby st...
178,211724DroidsUpdate the local db from the mirrored data, check AWS credentials, and fly your X-Wing....
178,211724asciidoctor-json-value-loaderAdds asciidoctor a funciton to load specific JSON value from JSON file (See: https://g...
178,217723encoded_tokenStop hitting the DB with every secure-token submission. Encoded Tokens have the ID, or ...
178,217723macroRecord macros on your command line; Produced by Assemble Company.
178,217723async-runnerAbstract runner with container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appr...
178,217723davinci_dtr_test_kitTest Kit for the Da Vinci Documentation Templates and Rules (DTR) FHIR Implementation G...