Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178661-178680 of all 182,288 gems.
178,655644ruby-libversionRuby bindings for libversion
178,662643google-cloud-privileged_access_manager## Overview Privileged Access Manager (PAM) is a Google Cloud native, managed solution ...
178,662643hola_test_1611A simple hello world gem
178,662643cable_ready-elementcable-ready custom element
178,662643platon.uaPlaton processing center.
178,662643sinsoku_helloThis is a gem created for studying.
178,667642omniauth-tailscaleOmniAuth strategy for Tailscale
178,667642nature_remo_clientNature Remo API client for ruby.
178,667642fastlane-plugin-flutter_versionerEffortlessly manage and update your flutter project version.
178,667642fox_tailUI View Component library built on top of Tailwind CSS and based on the Flowbite Design...
178,671641artbase-cocosartbase-cocos - artbase (shared) code commons (cocos); read artbase collection configs ...
178,671641cocoapods-aqara-localzedLoaderAqara 多语言插件
178,671641injalid_dejiceUTF-8 <-> KOI-7 encoder/decoder.
178,671641mission_controlApollo 11 Mission Control Guidance Computer (AGC) Ruby implementation
178,671641anyiconRuby on Rails View Helpers for any icon collections that have github repository available.
178,671641jekyll-theme-bootstrap-icyflameJekyll's Gem-based theme which uses Bootstrap
178,671641czdsRuby client for the ICANN Centralized Zone Data Service (CZDS) API.
178,671641hallucinateHallucinate is a gem that uses OpenAI's GPT to generate code that doesn't exist yet.
178,671641binbundleEasily take a snapshot of all binaries installed with Gem and restore on a fresh system.
178,680640ionoscloud-container-registryContainer Registry service enables IONOS clients to manage docker and OCI compliant reg...