Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178641-178660 of all 182,288 gems.
178,636648google-cloud-workstations-v1betaAllows administrators to create managed developer environments in the cloud. Note that ...
178,636648puffin_cikPuffin CIK produces a hash of all companies with their name, ticker symbol, and CIK by ...
178,636648support-trackingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,644647aiagentAiAgent provides a common way to interact with the APIs provided by OpenAI, Anthropic, ...
178,644647fluent-plugin-json-size-limitThis plugin reduces the size of JSON records if they exceed a specified limit.
178,644647lti_advantageImplmentation of the LTI Advantage standard for Ruby.
178,644647minitest-should_just_workEnables classic .should/.should_not syntax similar to classic RSpec on your MiniTest te...
178,648646activerecord-singlestoreThe ActiveRecod SinglestoreAdapter is an ActiveRecord connection adapter based on the M...
178,648646omniauth-datadogOmniAuth OAUTH2 Strategy for Datadog.
178,651645query_rule_engineThis gem provides tools to analyze your queries based on custom rules.
178,651645isPrime-mhSimple prime checker
178,651645mysql_db_toolA Ruby gem for backing up and restoring MySQL databases
178,651645jekyll-breadcrumbs-tagBreadcrumbs tag for Jekyll
178,655644link_searcherParser for links
178,655644raikar03A short explanation of my awesome gem theme.
178,655644digitalbits-core-backupA helper script to backup a digitalbits-core node
178,655644linked_listsAdds the linked list structure to Ruby as a proper `Enumerable` class, like `Set` or `A...
178,655644amatosich_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,655644embulk-parser-jsonpath-secureParses JSON files with JSONPath read by other file input plugins.