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178701-178720 of all 182,288 gems.
178,698637logstash-output-jsmThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
178,698637edm_trainPulls events from
178,703636ronin-wordlistsronin-wordlists is a library and tool for managing wordlists. ronin-wordlists can insta...
178,703636typewriteA simple gem to add a typewriter effect to console output.
178,703636masspay_ruby_sdkRuby SDK for MasspayRubySdk
178,703636ruby_timeout_saferuby-timeout-safe is a Ruby library that provides a safe and reliable timeout functiona...
178,703636ons-json-loggerA utility class for generating structured JSON log entries with optional additional fie...
178,703636snackhack2Bunch of Hacking tools
178,703636brb-templatesBRB is backslashed Ruby, a template system that lets you be-right-back to ERB.
178,710635ronin-dns-proxyronin-dns-proxy is a configurable DNS proxy server library. It supports returning spoof...
178,710635tty-prompt-filesExtension for tty-prompt that allow interactive CLI file system element selection
178,710635rubygptThis gem aims to provide an easy-to-use Ruby wrapper for all modules of OpenAI's GPT AP...
178,710635domainverificationAutomated domain name verification
178,710635rsocks5patchPatch SOCKS5 capabilities into Ruby's Socket class.
178,710635fluent-plugin-kafka-xstFluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8
178,710635rails_keycloak_authorizationRailsKeycloakAuthorization adds Rack Based, Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) implementati...
178,710635fastlane-plugin-mobile_lanesThis plugin manages common lanes for mobile CI
178,718634aboveAn async Gemini Protocol server with support for multi-tenancy. Above supports middlew...
178,718634livepeerRuby library for the Livepeer API.
178,718634ar_virtual_fieldAdds .virtual_field method to make it easy to define virtual fields