Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178601-178620 of all 182,288 gems.
178,598656fotmobLets you pull data from fotmob for easy access
178,602655executoExecutes commands on remote servers
178,602655oapiA ruby DSL for building OpenAPI documents.
178,602655omniauth-signalwireOfficial OmniAuth strategy for SignalWire.
178,602655deepl_diffDeepL API wrapper for Ruby which helps to translate only changes between revisions of l...
178,602655ruby-geminiGemini API + Ruby! 🤖🌌
178,602655elasticgraph-elasticsearchWraps the Elasticsearch client for use by ElasticGraph.
178,602655ucl_last_16_drawA gem to help randomize UCL match drawing
178,609654neeto_time_zonesA Ruby gem that encapsulates common time_zone related helpers
178,609654fixversionThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,609654elisp2anyelisp2any is a command line tool and library for converting Emacs Lisp source to some d...
178,609654publishing_platform_locationGenerates URLs for publishing platform services based on environment.
178,609654openssl-customIt wraps the OpenSSL library.
178,609654oi-nmarzagaoA simple hello world gem
178,615653pagerbotPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
178,615653chime-tigerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,615653qrfyA really simple wrapper for API written in pure ruby.
178,615653yamleaseIf you have a release pipeline in Azure DevOps, this gem will convert it to YAML. Expo...
178,615653gmi2latexGmi2LaTeX is a Gemtext (Gemini naitive text format, suffix .gmi) to LaTeX converter.
178,620652cmv4-openapi-clientThe REST API for the Consultation Manager application