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Most downloads over all time
178681-178700 of all 182,288 gems.
178,680640rubythinkingRuby code translations and additional material for the book "Statistical Rethinking" of...
178,680640msurfas_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,680640semantic_sortSorts strings containing numbers in a semantic way.
178,684639fastlane-plugin-teams_cardEasily alert a Microsoft Teams channel, group chat or chat via Workflows
178,684639firetail-railsAPI security library that is designed for ruby
178,684639runner-toolEmpty placeholder for the runner-tool name
178,684639rb_binary_heapImplementation of a binary heap in Ruby. See github for usage examples.
178,684639rspec-preloader-hanamiLife is too short to be waiting for your tests to load.
178,684639wspc-rails-extensionsWinespace Rails Extensions
178,684639p2p-engineThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,692638stanford-geoGeo related data for Stanford Libraries
178,692638hello_app_ak_gemA simple app that outputs hello world.
178,692638maplibre-gl-railsmaplibre-gl-rails provides MapLibre GL JS sources and stylesheets as a Rails engine for...
178,692638i18n-translate-railsAutomatic translation into the target language based on the base i18n yaml.
178,692638transformers-rbState-of-the-art transformers for Ruby
178,692638ali-cliComposable CLI tool suite
178,698637partition_magicA small Array partition library
178,698637flo_shoDiagram your application's method call flows!