Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178681-178700 of all 183,164 gems.
178,675761user_greetingGreet the user!
178,682760gl_walletA Ruby gem for wrapping GLWallet API calls.
178,682760async-runnerAbstract runner with container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appr...
178,682760pastvuA Ruby wrapper for PastVu API
178,682760google-cloud-workstations-v1betaAllows administrators to create managed developer environments in the cloud. Note that ...
178,682760govuk-rspec-helpersRSpec test helpers for GOV.UK services
178,682760terraspace_vcs_bitbucketTerraspace VCS Bitbucket support
178,682760econ_data_readerIntegrated economic and financial data
178,689759grazerGrazer initially use Faker to obfuscate real data in production database
178,689759baseline_statsRuby wrapper for interacting with the Statcast baseball api.
178,689759atethechonOpen Source collection of contacts from Development Organizations around the world.
178,689759solidus_pagySolidus extension using Pagy pagination.
178,693758studio_game_jspMy first Ruby program
178,693758wasifyPacks and runs Ruby code on WASM
178,693758hanami_emailRuby API client for Hanami email forwarding
178,693758ireliaView components, assets and styles built with Tailwind CSS for KIQR.
178,693758devcamp_view_tool_practiceProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
178,693758extlzma2A Ruby binding of liblzma that is compatible with Ruby 3.2
178,693758bandoleerIoC container focussing on the automatic extraction of constants from ruby files.
178,693758cocoapods-lockfileA Cocoapods plugin that generates the Podfile.lock file without the need to download th...