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178581-178600 of all 182,288 gems.
178,581659byverbel_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,581659bisonBison offers tools, frameworks, and services to cover entire application development li...
178,581659jekyll-kroki-tagtext-to-diagram power to Jekyll with
178,581659bp3-action_dispatchbp3-action_dispatch adapts ActionDispatch::Request for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3).
178,581659nuboard-themeNuboard is a free and open-source Jekyll theme with separate pages for showcasing your ...
178,581659kabustation_client# 定義情報 REST APIのコード一覧、エンドポイントは下記リンク参照 - [REST APIコード一覧](../ptal/error.html)
178,581659nameday_apiNamedayApi is a Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to fetch nameday information ...
178,581659planilhaParses xlsx files and returns a hash with the data
178,589658thereforeJust like each, therefore relies on block semantics, so it's essentially an if conditio...
178,589658judeee_hellohello world
178,591657isbnrangesRange definitions of ISBN registration groups and registrants.
178,591657google-cloud-edge_containergoogle-cloud-edge_container is the official client library for the Distributed Cloud Ed...
178,591657dcdetectorFind computer name, FQDN, and IP address(es) of all DCs.
178,591657geewizGeewiz SDK for Ruby
178,591657nationbuilder-apiNationBuilder API client for Ruby.
178,591657jtagulatorRuby library for interacting with the Jtagulator hardware, including functionality for ...
178,591657elasticgraph-admin_lambdaElasticGraph gem that wraps elasticgraph-admin in an AWS Lambda.
178,598656devise-pbkdf2-encryptableExtension that allows Devise to use PBKDF2 password hashing
178, library for Rails/ActionMailer library
178,598656unbraceExpand braces, similar to a file glob