Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178761-178780 of all 182,288 gems.
178,757627occasionallyOccassionally is a lightweight way to run Ruby code periodically in environments that d...
178,757627TxChaosDeterministic pseudorandom integer generator, uses the basic 4*x*(1-x) chaos algorithm
178,757627simple-navigation-materializesimple-navigation-bootstrap is a simple-navigation renderer for twitter-bootstrap navig...
178,757627email_validator_hcmA simple Ruby gem that validates email addresses based on regular expressions.
178,757627docusign_webformsThe DocuSign package makes integrating DocuSign into your apps and websites a super fas...
178,757627train-kubernetes-docsA Train "transport" plugin for Chef Inspec that allows testing of all Kubernetes API re...
178,767626starlingrbA Ruby library for interacting with the Starling Bank API
178,767626gem_say_helloA gem for say hello.
178,767626sukimaSukima is a lightweight data schema validation library for Ruby written in only ~100 li...
178,770625forty_two_gemGem to check if integer is 42
178,770625google-apis-airquality_v1This is the simple REST client for Air Quality API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby cli...
178,770625packwerk-slimSlim parser for packwerk to parse .slim files for dependency & privacy violations
178,770625step-sequencer-work-flowStepSequencer is a Ruby gem providing a lightweight, intuitive DSL for defining and or...
178,770625railsteaRuby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...
178,775624terraspace_vcs_azureTerraspace VCS Azure support
178,775624fourkites-sqspoller-v2Gem to poll messages from SQS queue and process them
178,775624release_imageIt genrates a random image for release using Unsplash API
178,775624match_skills_gemThis gem provides functionality to check if the applicant's skills match at least 60% o...
178,775624d_to_htmlCreates HTML file.
178,775624hiu_authA simple auth gem with JWT