Total Downloads Ranking

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178781-178800 of all 182,288 gems.
178,775624todo_markerThis standalone gem takes in source code files written in Ruby, and generates a
178,775624digit_arraydigit_array expresses a number, `n`, as a series of `digits`
178,775624ulisesrivas_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,784623yamlintA YAML file linter and formatter.
178,784623ssm_params_loaderPreloads AWS SSM parameters as an environment variables
178,784623ddenvCreates and maintains an environment for local development, including Ruby and Node ver...
178,784623warden-auth0Auth0 authentication for Warden, ORM agnostic and accepting the implementation of token...
178,784623dec_radix_50DEC RADIX 50 encoding.
178,789622cryptomaniainvest and win
178,789622compactdataA Ruby parser for the CompactData serialisation format.
178,789622huginn_reddit_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,789622sonic-pi-cli4A simple command line interface for Sonic Pi
178,789622uniswapuniswap - core uniswap v2 (dumb) contracts for ruby (rubidity) for layer 1 (l1) with "o...
178,789622fastlane-plugin-mobile_toolsfastlane plugin for mobile devops tooling
178,789622svg-hushA Ruby wrapper for the svg-hush library
178,796621column_syncA ruby gem to sync values between columns using Postgres and Rails
178,796621google-apis-cloudcontrolspartner_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Cloud Controls Partner API V1beta. Simple REST clien...
178,796621unstructuredUnstructured API wrapper. This gem allows you to interact with the Unstructured API.
178,796621jekyll-theme-tufteA modern Jekyll theme based on tufte-css, in the style of Edward Tufte