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179121-179140 of all 182,301 gems.
179,121566fitbitauthenticationWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,121566zeroconfThis is a multicast DNS client and server written in Ruby
179,121566bytebufferA gem that provides a ByteBuffer class based on the bytebuffer rust crate.
179,121566KCommercialPipelinekcommercial pipeline tools
179,121566benchoAn benchmark gem for ruby that execute browsers and outputs!
179,121566testy_cookieTestyCookie provides a helper to access plain, permanent, signed and encrypted cookies ...
179,121566chime-redis-monitorThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,121566wisconsin-benchmarkScalable Wisconsin Benchmark dataset generator for Arrow/Parquet.
179,121566test_202311_0_gemDO NOT INSTALL! This gem is for my test.
179,121566ruboty-slack_rtm-channel_createdNotify when channel_created with ruboty-slack_rtm.
179,121566podcast-buddyA simple Ruby command-line tool for dropping in an AI buddy to your podcast.
179,121566net-ssh-cloneNet::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. It allows you to writ...
179,121566homographic_spoofingA toolkit to both detect and sanitize homographic spoofing attacks in URLs and Email ad...
179,121566plantaePlantae helps you put seed data in your projects.
179,135565fitbittestWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,135565google-shopping-merchant-quota-v1betaProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...
179,135565justa-rubyGem para integração de pagamento via pix e carteira digitais da Justa
179,135565aggressive_normalization_jpConverts uncommon characters to common characters or replaces them with empty characters.
179,135565hash_ofSyntactic sugar to create hashes of hashes or arrays and ability to make them recursive.
179,135565gridyRuby on Rails grid made easy