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179141-179160 of all 182,301 gems.
179,141564sensu-plugins-postgres-mrtrotlThis plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation fo...
179,141564biometricA gem to work with mobile fingerprint or face biometric authentication
179,141564google-cloud-app_hub-v1google-cloud-app_hub-v1 is the official client library for the App Hub V1 API. Note tha...
179,141564vident-view_component-cachingCache key computation for Vident components with ViewComponent
179,141564crusoeCrusoe is a gem that helps you keep track of your daily work and thoughts in Markdown f...
179,141564periodic_job_mongoidPeriodic Job helps you run jobs with a time interval between runs. You may have several...
179,148563ai_chatbotIntegrates a chatbot using Python for predictions and training in a Rails application.
179,148563cbruckmayer-testWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,148563UnitConvertercustom units converter
179,148563fastlane-plugin-google_chat_message_v2Sending Google Chat Messages
179,148563usos_auth_libEnhance your Ruby applications with UsosAuthLib, a robust gem for streamlined user auth...
179,153562activejob-nullAn ActiveJob adapter that discards all jobs.
179,153562speakeasy_pbSpeakeasy google rpc binding
179,153562xendifyHandle xen API with ease.
179,153562ada_numbersIt converts a number to its equivalent in written words, i.e. 123 to "cento e vinte...
179,153562ConfigLMMConfigLMM is Configuration Management Manager that can build and deploy your configurat...
179,153562finance_velocityThe finance library provides a Ruby interface for working with interest rates, mortgage...
179,153562delayed_job_chainable_hooksImplement DelayedJob hook methods in multiple modules/job classes without overriding pr...
179,153562zillaceZillace is a database manipulation library for Mozilla Firefox. It reads the places.sq...