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Most downloads over all time
179461-179480 of all 182,301 gems.
179,451526baltixBaltix is setup replacement and spec control utility for RPM/local packages
179,451526gtk_layer_shellThis is a set of Ruby bindings for the GTK3 version of GtkLayerShell, which is a librar...
179,451526ez_graphsThis lib provides a bunch of useful classes for working with different kinds of graphs ...
179,464525rake_migrations_velocityThis gem creates a rake_migrations table and keeps track of rake tasks similar to migra...
179,464525shelpA command-line tool that translates natural language to shell commands using OpenAI's G...
179,464525hai-restHai Rest creates a set of CRUD Rrest actions around your chosen Hai database layer.
179,464525rexml-css_selectorThis library is a REXML extension for supporting CSS selector. It provides CSS selector...
179,464525mod_commPrivate methods for ruby module common use
179,464525arkenstone-openAn Open Source ActiveRecord replacement over REST
179,464525paulstarkebaum_palindromeLearn enough ruby palindrome detector
179,464525pnap_billing_apiBilling API Ruby Gem
179,464525exec2Small interface wrapping Process::spawn
179,464525foxesAn API for all your fox image needs
179,464525att-codekitPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
179,464525fastlane_pricing_fixThe easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps
179,476524markdown_tableThis library generate it easy to create Markdown table like CSV library.
179,476524avm-eac_ruby_base0Put here de description.
179,476524decidim-maintainers_toolboxTools for releasing, backporting, changelog generating, and working with GitHub
179,476524endtoendpaper_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Tutorial palindrome detector
179,476524fingersnapDescription: to do: Write a longer description.