Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179801-179820 of all 182,301 gems.
179,800495auto_rspecThis gem generates rspec tests for your models using shoulda-matchers.
179,800495google-shopping-merchant-products-v1betaProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...
179,800495gjt1Put here de description.
179,800495temp_converter_gemconvert temperatures simply and quickly!
179,800495shoplexConverts a file exported from shopware 5 invoice data into booking lines for lexware ac...
179,800495sentence_itIt is a reimplementation text_sentencer, which is originally written in ruby, using C e...
179,800495active_dry_depsActiveDryDeps not modify constructor and support Dependency Injection for modules. ...
179,800495starproxima_universityDescription Starproxima university app
179,810494firmFIRM is a pure Ruby library providing format independent object marshalling
179,810494plain_paramsNo ActiveRecord or Dry-Validation, just plain parameters.
179,810494emoji_logQuickly scan your logs using the power of emojis.
179,810494teal_toadTealToad gives you all the tools required to create gradient based AI algorithms such a...
179,810494apimatic-calculator-97-sdkThis is a long description
179,810494code-engine-tasksA collection of Rake tasks for working with IBM Cloud Code Engine projects.
179,810494model-to-schemaGenerate json-schema from ActiveRecord models.
179,810494capistrano3-aws-asg-deployGet all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling group name.
179,810494doc-serverServes documentation for installed gems locally on HTTP, with full text search
179,810494spsdrbpubPublishes a message to the simplepubsub_drb broker.
179,820493jekyll-qrEmbed QR codes with Liquid tags