Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179821-179840 of all 182,301 gems.
179,820493studio_game23This is just a simple gem, created during a Ruby online course for learning purposes.
179,820493lospecA simple gem to fetch palettes from
179,820493service_coreA service pattern implementation for Rails applications.
179,820493cherry-yogurtThis gem will make your programm better!
179,820493one_docOnedoc is the document API for developers.
179,820493sse_cableSseCable enables real-time communication between servers and clients, allowing for effi...
179,820493treecraftA library for composing Ruby classes using Ruby
179,820493one-ruby-sdkQuickly and easily get *all* of the LOTR movies into your Ruby project. Amaze your frie...
179,820493tester-stripped-sdk-sdkUse the Tester Stripped API to manage business including payment. customer, product and...
179,820493render_with_areasEasy rendering of partials with multiple content areas
179,820493sjsonSjson handles json streams
179,820493generate_rails_newThis gem provides a CLI tool that helps create a new Rails application with interactive...
179,820493xorNaive implementation of Xor-filter for algorithm testing purposes..
179,820493google-cloud-security-public_ca-v1The Public Certificate Authority API may be used to create and manage ACME external acc...
179,835492coffeebrew_jekyll_archivesA Jekyll plugin to generate blog post archives
179,835492secure_yaml_2encryption protection for sensitive yaml properties
179,835492deepaliMy awesome gem
179,835492shnaider_carprojDescription Shnaider carshering app
179,835492sweet-alert-confirm-turboA Rails confirm replacement with SweetAlert
179,835492chat_cliChat-GPT Command Line Tools