Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179781-179800 of all 182,301 gems.
179,774498numerical_notationSimplified numerical notations for easier comprehension of large numbers.
179,774498odslThis is a prototype oriented to use OOP and a functional programming approach by provid...
179,774498heapifyHeapify is a gem that provides a heapify method for arrays. It also provides methods fo...
179,774498solid-community-client-simpleA simple client to interact with the SOLID Community Server. NOTA BENE - this is NOT a...
179,785497fluent-plugin-vadimberezniker-gcpFluentd plugins for Google Cloud Logging. An unaffiliated fork of the official library.
179,785497feishuA simple hello world gem
179,785497mylkSurrealDB client for Ruby (HTTP and WebSocket)
179,785497bp3-noticedbp3-noticed adapts noticed for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3).
179,785497sql_builderUse builder pattern to create ad-hoc SQL queries that aren't tied to models but return ...
179,790496lambda_cableServerless WebSockets for Rails
179,790496jekyll-new-cssA Jekyll theme that uses new.css
179,790496noah-testJust a summary
179,790496pronto-poper2Pronto runner for Poper2, git commit message analyzer
179,790496puppet-module-win-system-rpoc by @gopal_ethical
179,790496nauvisianNauvisian is a ruby library for the management of Factorio MODs. It comes with a CLI.
179,790496barevThis is my first gem
179,790496feedly_ruby_clientfeedly ruby api client
179,790496run_database_backupA RubyGem to backup different types of databases
179,800495jekkyl-arumaiThe theme, named "Arumai" (meaning "wonderful" or "excellent" in Tamil), focuses on min...