Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179781-179800 of all 183,155 gems.
179,776572tochka_cyclops_apiem for working with the api of the bank Point
179,776572faker-shorthandShorthand for the Faker generator syntax
179,776572urailsSome long description.
179,776572dry-operation_generators-baseShared code of operation generators
179,776572bcliBoilerCode CLI
179,786571yaml_to_structconverts a Yaml String to a nested Struct
179,786571gvl_timingMeasure time spent in different GVL states
179,786571parity_prop_prasparity_prop_pras: evens and odds
179,786571coffeebrew_jekyll_docsA Jekyll theme for Coffee Brew Apps documentation.
179,786571prog_scorerScore program files automatically.
179,786571loops_railsRails integration for Loops
179,786571my_hash_diffA ruby gem that will implement the diff algorithm on hash
179,794570td_statement_extractorExtract machine readable transaction data from TD credit card statements.
179,794570logstash-output-elasticapmLogstash output plugin to send traces and metrics to Elastic APM Server
179,794570isisbnValidate the ISBN Numbers
179,794570my_ruby_projectThis is the description of the project
179,794570formedA form object that really wants to be a form object.
179,794570jekkyl-arumaiThe theme, named "Arumai" (meaning "wonderful" or "excellent" in Tamil), focuses on min...
179,794570kevin_gemMy first gem