Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179841-179860 of all 182,301 gems.
179,835492studio-game-zekdeluca# Studio Game This is a ruby gem generated for study purposes.
179,835492nvimYet another Ruby client for Neovim
179,835492pigpio_ffiUse your Raspberry Pi GPIO pins in Ruby. This gem uses FFI to provide Ruby bindings for...
179,844491makes_senseWrite, validate, and use decision tables for logic
179,844491minitest_httplogDetect unmocked HTTP requests in your tests
179,844491SurfacesGemThis gem provides functionality for managing student labs.
179,844491watesanGem for Rate Limiter using Redis
179,844491ezcaptureThin layer over Open3.capture
179,844491api_responserThe api_responser gem provides a standardized way to handle API responses in a Rails ap...
179,844491kuby-gkeGoogle Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provider for Kuby.
179,844491kh2hcConvert OpenSSH known_hosts file hashed with HashKnownHosts to hashes crackable by Hash...
179,844491orgrepgit clone and git grep on the latest repository
179,853490loops_railsRails integration for Loops
179,853490rater_pdfsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,853490simplepubsub_drbInspired by SimplePubSub and uses DRb instead of WebSocket.
179,853490menaceMake it easier to authenticate Active Storage blobs.
179,853490rider-serverRIDER an nREPL server for Ruby
179,853490spsdrbsubSubscribes to a topic from the simplepubsub_drb broker.
179,853490huginn_airparif_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,860489model_XDsome student models