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179761-179780 of all 182,301 gems.
179,758500google-apis-secretmanager_v1beta2This is the simple REST client for Secret Manager API V1beta2. Simple REST clients are ...
179,758500markdownerEnable markdown files in your app/views/ directory.
179,758500thread_runnerBasic thread library with which you can manage initialize, main, monitor, queue and fin...
179,765499alchemy_rubyRead and write Alchemy files in Ruby.
179,765499lexicoidShort and stable IDs from timestamps
179,765499packjPackj flags malicious and other "risky" RubyGems packages in your software supply chain.
179,765499end_back_generatoruse Generator.random_greeting(name)
179,765499omniauth-salesforce-ultimateOmniAuth strategy for Addapted to work with Oauth 2.0.
179,765499maglevcms-cliEases setting up Maglev PRO on existing Rails apps.
179,765499fxapiThe perfect tool to handle your exchange rate conversions. Our API helps you with curre...
179,765499openc3-cosmos-bridge-hostAllows COSMOS to execute arbitrary commands on the host
179, provides an email validation & verification API. Automate email vali...
179,774498save_chain_inspectorWhen you execute save on a model in Active Record, the saves of related models with pre...
179,774498my_hash_diff_2This gem provides a method to differ two Hashes
179,774498active_admin_access_controlThrough the gem you can create the dynamic role and permissions for different types of ...
179,774498readlinesReadlines is a Ruby library offering advanced tools for reading, writing, and manipulat...
179,774498endor-pkg-oneA simple hello world gem
179,774498coreml_predictMLModel (ext name mlpackage) is an Apple format AI model, this gem provide *predict* me...