Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179741-179760 of all 182,301 gems.
179,730502max_size_detectorThis gem allows you to analyze an input file (contains several terminal commands and ou...
179,730502rails_interactive_generatorsThis gem provides rails default generators in interactive mode so as to ease developmen...
179,730502convert_unit_toolsArea conversion from Hectares to acres, measurements from inches to cm. Weight from pou...
179,730502shaider-studentsThis gem contains models and controllers for students app. You need to make your own vi...
179,745501opentelemetry-processor-baggageBaggage Span Processor for the OpenTelemetry framework
179,745501jekyll_google_translateWrite a longer description of the gem. Use as many lines as you like.
179,745501nasturtiumNasturtium is a low-level wrapper around the iNaturalist API.
179,745501simple_logic_stepI believe that some of developers faced a situation when you can't convince your custom...
179,745501demo_gem_onerandom api gem
179,745501app-store-server-libraryServer library for the App Store Server API and App Store Server Notifications
179,745501nomiusBulk domain & package name availability checker
179,745501fluent-plugin-vmware-aria-log-intelligenceSend Fluentd buffered logs to VMware Log Intelligence
179,745501webarrayFast remote arrays. Works everywhere, fine grained access controls & no sign-ups.
179,745501batatinha_testVarias Batatinhas
179,745501cli_aiby calling the ai generator in your irb you will be switched to gpt mode
179,745501olivar_studio_gameA practice program for RUBY
179,745501google-cloud-redis-cluster-v1beta1Creates and manages Redis instances on the Google Cloud Platform. Note that google-clou...
179,758500thermopylaeA gem for ignoring signals
179,758500jekyll-include-rawAllows including files which cause liquid parse exceptions without modification.
179,758500wxruby3-mdapwxRuby3/MDAP is a pure Ruby library providing a custom ArtProvider for using MaterialDe...