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Most downloads over all time
180081-180100 of all 182,339 gems.
180,080471process_reports_pdfA Rails engine for processing PDF reports.
180,080471followGem follow
180,080471punkartpunkart gem - (automagically) turn your "classic" punk (pixel) heads into dollar greenb...
180,080471hardcoverStatic book generator.
180,080471slideckTerminal tool for presenting Markdown-powered slide decks.
180,086470dadjokeA gem created just to show how to create Ruby Gems. It fetches dad jokes from icanhazda...
180,086470digitalmoksha-acts_as_commentablePlugin/gem that provides comment functionality
180,086470petstore-sdkthis is pet description.
180,086470tap_parserParser for the Test Anything Protocol (TAP)
180,086470yomiseA simple way to Open .csv, .xls, .xlsx files. You can convert it to 2D array, hash, dat...
180,086470bcdd-contractReliable contract definition, data validation, and type checking for Ruby.
180,086470sequel-generate-slugSequel plugin for generating and maintaining slugs in a database using the base name an...
180,093469api_key_managerManage one or more API keys to the same resource that is rate limited.
180,093469bckbn_payAPI for Bckbn Pay services
180,093469subtain_pack_testthis is summary
180,093469parity_argA gem to partition an array of integers based on paripty
180,093469todo_analyserTo-Do List Parser to parse the TODOs for even numbered items from list
180,098468samplecode_gemThis gem prints 'Hello, World!' to the console.
180,098468websocket-echo-ioA simple WebSocket echo server with data limits based on iodine
180,098468decidim-user_fieldsAllows to collect and manage some extra user fields on registration and profile edition.