Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180861-180880 of all 181,049 gems.
180,854188fsrsA ruby implementation of the Open Spaced Repetition's Free Spaced Repetition Scheduler.
180,862187incident-ioA Ruby API client for interacting with the API.
180,862187muraena-api-clientThe Muræna API Client
180,862187hotwire_reactHotwireReact integrates React into Rails 7 apps and allows you to combine the power of ...
180,862187studio_game_eduGame created in Pragmatic Studio Ruby Class
180,862187sevgi-showcaseToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
180,862187minitest-smartdiffDiff between expected and actual with GPT
180,862187mytestdslA simple hello world gem
180,869186close_encountersKeep track of responses from third party systems. Use this to monitor and respond to ch...
180,869186jekyll-pseudocode-latexThis plugin allows you to write pseudocode blocks in your Jekyll site using a simplifie...
180,869186slashcodeslashcode: The language based on the slash
180,869186dradis-penteraThis add-on allows you to upload and parse pentera reports
180,869186clamoJSON-RPC Client/Server tooling for Ruby
180,874185muraena-apiThe Muræna API
180,874185sevgi-standardToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
180,874185vietnamese_numberThe library provides methods to convert numbers into Vietnamese.
180,874185holatestoneA simple heeello world gem. Hey
180,874185hola_inkA simple hello world gem
180,874185monerorequestRuby Implementation of the Monero Payment Request Standard.