Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180881-180900 of all 181,049 gems.
180,874185gehnmaisoda_my_first_gemsummary goes here for my_first_gem
180,882184string_toolkitExtends the Ruby String class with useful methods
180,882184xrb-formattersFormatters for XRB, to assist with typical views and form based interfaces.
180,882184sevgi-geometryToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
180,882184devise_expirableThis is a simple, however wonderful devise extension to expire user password.
180,882184sports_apiSports API gem to get data from diverse sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, etc.
180,882184mosaikToolkit for converting monolithic applications into modular, service-oriented architect...
180,888183domweighertool to find the heavy DOM nodes
180,888183rails-autoscale-shoryukenAutoscaling for Shoryuken workers.
180,888183laterboxA transactional outbox implementation for event publishing in Ruby.
180,888183muraena-botThe Muræna Bot
180,892182openfeature-flagd-providerThe flagd provider for the OpenFeature Ruby SDK
180,892182active_admin_nested_formsGem that overrides normal active admin nested forms behaviour.
180,892182simple-printerSimple::Printer makes it easier to print objects.
180,892182primitiveThe most reusable components from several domain-focused libraries will be extracted he...
180,896181CAFE_verillbanFile to Clipboard gem
180,896181streamdalStreamdal SDK
180,896181stnInteract with ServiceTitan invoices and customers.
180,896181google-cloud-security_posturePlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-security_posture. This plac...
180,900180donatelloDonatello is a Ruby gem for effortlessly applying YAML-defined serialization schemas to...