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181221-181240 of all 183,147 gems.
181,217406ejabberd_http_clientAPIs for managing Ejabberd server
181,217406shreyas_palindromeCould be used for wide range of applications: words, phrases, sentences
181,217406musalce-serverThis package implements the Server part of the Musa DSL Live Coding Environment for Abl...
181,217406bddsmHard Testing Framework. Multi-paradigm spec/feature/xunit-agnostic syntax support.
181,217406taffyrbRuby bindings for Taffy
181,217406brazillian_validators_and_formattersThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,227405unigo-sender-simpleBased on official UniGo Gem
181,227405pundit_extraextraAdd CanCanCan like load and authorize to Pundit.
181,227405rails_logs_intruderGem that outputs your text into Rails logs
181,227405hunyuanHunyuan is a Ruby gem designed to simplify the integration of the Hunyuan API for chat ...
181,227405foundational_lib2# foundationallib

Finally, a cross-platform, portable, well-designed, secure, robu...

181,227405usda_csv_importerTo be continued...
181,233404gebA static website builder with simple templating and management utilities.
181,233404huginn_steam_news_app_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,233404alleyAlley makes it easy to interact with Shortcut V3 API by providing a modular, intuit...
181,233404weather_todayCurrently, it is only available for locations within Japan.
181,233404wallet-payAPI wrapper for Wallet Pay
181,233404postman_apiThe Postman API enables you to programmatically access data stored in your Postman acco...
181,233404reach-rubyThe official library for communicating with the Reach REST API
181,233404pacakage-certificateProvenance sign check.