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181221-181240 of all 182,288 gems.
181,215314importmapperHandle and manage importmaps in Ruby applications
181,215314react_aiReAct is an llm prompting pattern that enables an LLM to take actions such as searching...
181,223313affidavitConstruct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing
181,223313fred_as_dataframeIntegrated economic and financial data from FRED
181,223313shodanyShodany provides an easy-to-use interface for the Shodan API to search internet-connect...
181,223313zoteThis gem provides the Fifty-Seven Precents Of Zote in a convenient command-line interface.
181,223313just-ansiSimple and fast ANSI control code processing.
181,223313pg_scaffoldScaffolding for rails.
181,223313gmo_coinAPI wrapper for trading with GMO Coin.
181,230312super_templateSQL Template for Ruby
181,230312ut-mnemosyneMnemosyne - a console command for brute-forcing through random domains (considering the...
181,230312ansi2txtansi2txt converts ANSI escape sequences to readable plain text.
181,230312parity_prop_99A gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
181,230312ffi-enetFFI interface to the enet networking library. Includes rENet-like API to simplify enet ...
181,230312serverless-vpnA Modern Serverless VPN
181,230312rsnchatA package for interacting with GPT4-based chat services, OpenChat, Bard, Gemini, LlaMa,...
181,230312qutebrowser_url_markqutebrowser_url_mark is a library for parsing and serializing qutebrowser's URL marks (...
181,230312queue_liteSimple queue implementation on top of SQLite
181,230312backpack_uiUI components for StrongMind applications.
181,240311octodomainMapping between ActiveRecord models to domain objects.