Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181601-181620 of all 183,139 gems.
181,593358pseudo_l10nSimple utility for pseudo-localization in Ruby
181,602357xano_api_gemA Ruby gem for interacting with the Xano API. Provides a client for making requests to ...
181,602357rubylibpostalrubypostal is designed to bridge the gap between Ruby and the powerful Libpostal C libr...
181,602357my_demo_gemdemo gems
181,602357monkes21monkes21 gem - generate your own monkes twenty one 28×28 pixel avatar images from the 1...
181,606356redis-client-session-storeRails session store using low-level redis-client for Redis 6+ For great glory!
181,606356gold_silver_nepalThis gem is designed to scrape and retrieve gold and silver prices specifically for Nep...
181,606356k_templateHandlebars based Template Renderer
181,606356sobjectmodelSaleforce sObject class library
181,606356embulk-guess-msgpackGuesses if an input is in JSON.
181,606356mj-hash_utilsHash utils
181,612355pl_fustigitForked from mckern/fustigit, it will "Parse" SCP-like address triplets with the standar...
181,612355synced-latency-data-collectorData collector for synced gem for Datadog.
181,612355unihan_langA gem to detect and differentiate between Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese based...
181,612355ssl_expiry_ngA simple gem checking for ssl expiry.
181,612355monitoring_engineMonitoring Engine
181,612355mortgagerbCalculate periodic payment given principal, rate and mortgage type
181,612355actioncable-nextNext-gen version of Action Cable
181,619354ruby-commonThis library provides various utilities for parsing [Adscore]( sign...
181,619354bake-changesChanges document management.