Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181601-181620 of all 182,240 gems.
181,595249gristUse this gem to interact with the a Grist API from your Ruby application.
181,602248giasA Ruby gem that provides an interface to the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) CSV d...
181,602248MergeRequestInsightMergeRequestInsight helps developers and team leads manage code reviews more effectivel...
181,602248clwy-omniauth-qqOmniAuth strategies for TQQ and QQ Connect).
181,602248knfKNF for Ruby
181,602248pulseaudio_simple_fiddleA Ruby-Fiddle implementation of the PulseAudio Simple API.
181,602248puppet-module-posix-system-rpoc by @gopal_ethical
181,609247yet_another_range_listYet Another Range List library to handle integer ranges.
181,609247async_pipelineDefine a pipeline of async tasks and their starting conditions
181,609247scad-btwThis gem provides a command line tool to create \*.scad and \*.stl files of Brick Train...
181,609247midi-mmcPerform MIDI Machine Control (MMC).
181,614246observable_railsObserve your Rails app using Open Telemetry
181,614246riemann-rdapSubmit domain expiration information to Riemann
181,614246toggl_rbA toggl rb API client supporting V9 version of the main API and V3 of the reporting API
181,614246stimulus_attrsHelpers to simplify rendering Stimulus data attributes
181,619245parasortParallel sort
181,619245bunny-sdkRuby SDK for 🐰