Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181661-181680 of all 182,276 gems.
181,653244rbuiA simple hello world gem
181,662243google-cloud-gke_connect-gateway-v1The Connect Gateway service allows connectivity from external parties to connected Kube...
181,662243association_objectDefine ActiveRecord associations through association objects, which can implement custo...
181,662243jekyll-asset-pathIt's... mesmerizing.
181,662243fool_encryptionTo fool the fool!
181,662243chime-asset-refsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,662243math_generatorThe MathGenerator gem is a tool designed to create a wide range of mathematical problem...
181,668242adequate_discoveryAdequate Service Discovery
181,668242adequate_servicesAdequate Services
181,668242market_dataA Ruby client for the MarketData API.
181,668242raigenRAIGEN: Ruby AI Generation
181,668242sctechnicalchallengeSearch client data with different parameters
181,668242jekyll-asset-path-pluginIt's... mesmerizing.
181,668242rustdRuby implementation of Rust-inspired APIs for concepts such as enum, traits, Result, Op...
181,668242raigen-railsRAIGEN: Ruby AI Generation for Rails
181,676241testgemmA simple hello world gem
181,676241fog-openstack-forkOpenStack fog provider gem.
181,676241gh-action-testThis gem is used to test GitHub Actions for gem publishing.
181,676241regorusrbplaceholder reserving namespace
181,676241sdksio-apimatic-sdkthe package contains the SDKS for all the endpoints available on : https://docs.apimati...