Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181621-181640 of all 183,139 gems.
181,619354python_uml_classCreate a Python UML class diagram with PlangUml.
181,619354open_graph_fetcherFetch Open Graph metadata in a safer way.
181,619354portoYour safe port when developing on Ruby on Rails
181,619354cordylineA simple hello world gem
181,619354random_pinThis gem is usefull for genrating 4 digit pin
181,619354calculadora_calculante_gemUma gem incrível para cálculos matemáticos.
181,619354jekyll-tailwind-cliRun TailwindCSS from your Jekyll site without requiring NodeJS
181,628353sti_fallbackFall back to base model on missing STI subclasses in ActiveRecord
181,628353pragstudio_game_exerciseA randomized game exercise by Pragmatic Studios in Ruby
181,628353google-apis-displayvideo_v4This is the simple REST client for Display & Video 360 API V4. Simple REST clients are ...
181,628353tiny_montea monte carlo simulator
181,628353rrx_loggingRuby on Rails API core logging support
181,628353salebot_uploaderLibrary for uploader file from Salebot.
181,628353jekyll-theme-mncA classless, minimal theme for Jekyll based on minima.
181,628353shola_builds_studio_gameA game built to refresh my Ruby skills.
181,636352irb-theme-nordNord theme for Reline/IRB
181,636352loadoutA few helpers to make vanilla Rails configuration neater.
181,636352swiftlruA Least Recently Used (LRU) cache in Ruby designed to be fast and simple.
181,636352jekyll-theme-gruv-pooleA modern, WCAG-compliant fork of the Poole theme inspired by the Gruvbox color scheme.
181,636352rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-conoha-v3-debian-202401Tokyo Debian ConoHa v3 + Debian bookworm + preceed.cfg