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Most downloads over all time
181521-181540 of all 182,240 gems.
181,518262super_fast_railsCreate automatically missing index, remove unused, get rid of 1+N queries, ...
181,518262kicksFast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
181,518262smsaero_apiSend SMS/HLR/Viber via gate
181,518262bp3-hello-engineBp3::Hello::Engine is an example BP3 Rails engine that 'says hello'
181,518262split_railsA gem to split an array of integers based on even and odd integers
181,518262oldfixversionThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,527261thingspace-payments-sdk-sdkall the information about thingspace
181,527261sidekiq_searchUses Sidekiq API to get all current jobs metadata and searches by it
181,527261logstash-output-percyThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
181,527261owm_sdkAn example SDK for accessing OpenWeatherMap API
181,527261nkjNKJ is a library for identifying JIS X 0213 characters.
181,532260protobug-compilerAn protobuf compiler for protobug
181,532260tints-n-shadesThe tints & shades generator for CLI lovers.
181,532260mygem_paradoxv5-platformA simple example Ruby Gem
181,532260google-cloud-telcoautomation-v1alpha1Placeholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-telcoautomation-v1alpha1. T...
181,532260fp16_packA gem that provides a way to pack arrays of floats into fp16 binary representation
181,537259iouio_uring for Ruby
181,537259climate_pledgeA client for Climate Pledge data
181,537259shawnpSimple boilerplate for jekyll with SEO, compression support.
181,537259indian_num_to_wordsUse the indian_num_to_words gem to convert numbers to words in Indian Format