Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181681-181700 of all 182,276 gems.
181,676241footgunComming soon...
181,676241tasks_cliA command-line interface for managing tasks stored in a CSV file
181,683240time_exprModify Time without monkeypatching Fixnum
181,683240minitest-smartdiffDiff between expected and actual with GPT
181,683240sevgi-graphicsToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
181,683240jekyll-theme-kadoA customizable Jekyll theme with light and dark modes inspired by Kado colors.
181,683240superjenn_temperature_check_gemConverts Celsius to Fahrenheit
181,683240simple-hstsSimple way to add HSTS to Rails apps
181,683240rakuten_trading本APIを利用することにより、取り扱っている銘柄一覧の取得、ローソク足データの取得、板の取得、歩値の取得、注文、残高照会といった操作を行う事ができます。 ## 留意事項 - ...
181,683240taskcmdSimple todo list manager for the command line
181,683240test-input-opensearch-1Opensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
181,683240wiggleWiggle is a simple tool that allows the running of multiple lines of code easily and ef...
181,683240gemfile_readerReads a Gemfile and provides description for the gems in it
181,683240heroku-app-infostore Application Stack, PotgsreSQL version, etc. mainly for upgrade management.
181,683240konciergeKoncierge is an opinionated structure for kustomize configuration repositories.
181,683240inertiax_railsInertia adapter for Rails
181,683240history_extensionSequel Extension for History DB Migration, to remove index and foreign key constrain
181,683240rabbit-slide-znz-lilo-20240427[LILO&東海道らぐオフラインミーティング 2024-04-27](での発表資料です。
181,699239mr_odiaits a language for odia by a rubist
181,699239rostelecom_m2mRostelecom M2M