Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181701-181720 of all 182,276 gems.
181,699239snomed_modelProvides ORM layer to query SNOMED
181,699239devise_expirableThis is a simple, however wonderful devise extension to expire user password.
181,699239clamoJSON-RPC Client/Server tooling for Ruby
181,699239minibidiMini WebDriver BiDi binding for Ruby
181,699239jekyll-asset-path-tagIt's... mesmerizing.
181,699239xrb-formattersFormatters for XRB, to assist with typical views and form based interfaces.
181,699239studio_game_aanonymoususeroninternetThis is a gem created as part of Pragmatic studio Ruby course
181,708238sidekiq-batchsSidekiq Batch Jobs Implementation
181,708238release_stageA small gem for checking whether you're on staging, production etc.
181,708238minitest-verifyA minitest plugin to prevent false positive tests.
181,708238system_commandRun external process as if they were functions.
181,708238mosaikToolkit for converting monolithic applications into modular, service-oriented architect...
181,708238unarchiverA small gem for extracting and filtering files from ZIPs
181,708238devicecheckPure Ruby implementation of the Apple App Attestation server side verifier
181,715237fastlane-plugin-new_telegramAllows post messages to telegram channel
181,715237titlecaserUses standard title casing rules to titleize strings
181,715237heroicon-rubyRuby on Rails view helpers for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons.
181,715237gehnmaisoda_my_first_gemsummary goes here for my_first_gem
181,715237migrate_factory_railsCompletely rebuild your migrations to agilize setup and simplify schema.
181,715237s3xScrape public AWS S3 buckets with ease.