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182121-182140 of all 182,240 gems.
182,119156scope_houndScope Hound is a gem enhancing the filtering process in Ruby on Rails apps. It introd...
182,119156stopwords-filtersSmall library that allows you to create a simple stopwords filter or use some based on ...
182,119156text_sentencer_cIt is a reimplementation text_sentencer, which is originally written in ruby, using C e...
182,119156spotify-api-sdkYou can use Spotify's Web API to discover music and podcasts, manage your Spotify libra...
182,125155yf_as_dataframeDownload market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
182,125155ruby-hotfileParser for IATA HOT files (accounting/sales data) as described in IATA BSP DISH.
182,128154availability_schedulerThis gem allows scheduling availability for resources, including weekly schedules and s...
182,128154feratel-check-api-clientThis documentation describes your available CheckAPI REST services: Get your checkpoint...
182,128154has_anyExample description
182,128154alvess_temperature_check_gemConverts Celsius to Fahrenheit
182,128154wph# Wph This gem blocks the namespace alias `wph` for the gem `weird_phlex`. This was d...
182,128154sms_aero2Simple gem for API.
182,128154bedBed is a simple, modern schema library built on top of Data. It provides a simple, decl...
182,135153ctgCTG is a Ruby library that provides an interface for querying the AP...
182,135153tutusDetect sensitive stored fields during development
182,135153kuluKulu is a powerful orchestration tool for managing LLM agents and their data, inspired ...
182,138152my-wkhtmltopdf-binaryProvides binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF project in an easily accessible package.
182,138152tomo-plugin-solid_queueSolid Queue deployment tasks for tomo
182,140151btntaken over by AnupamAS01