Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127741-127760 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920foodismJust trying to code some RubyGems
95,5920deal_with_itDealWithIt is an exception handler for Ruby applications.
95,5920familyapp_sdkSDK for familyapp channel
95,5920schema_serializerSchemaSerializer is provide serialization from schema definition to JSON.
95,5920common_indexerCommon Indexing mixin for NUL Digital Collections
95,5920runcmd-cliruncmd cli
95,5920c80_order_formOrder form
95,5920graybookGraybook is used to import email contact lists from popular webmail sites. Currently su...
95,5920simple_presenterA simple presenter/facade/decorator/whatever implementation.
95,5920rack-session-mongoRack session store for MongoDB
95,5920dbconsoleGUI for configured database.
95,5920colorificRun your tests (Minitest) with lots of color!
95,5920rjack-jacksonA gem packaging of Jackson JSON Processor.
95,5920stub_hub_apiThis gem provides access to add, edit and delete listings appearing on StubHub.
95,5920rspec-versionedRun tests over whatever API versions you want
95,5920serverkit-defaultsServerkit plug-in for defaults(1) of Mac OS X.
95,5920domain_validatorAdds ActiveModel validation for domain format.
95,5920elapserWhen creating apps, you might find it handy to see how long ago was something created. ...
95,5920cannonCannon is a fast web framework
95,5920dbldots_oedipus== Sphinx 2 Comes to Ruby Oedipus brings full support for Sphinx 2 to Ruby: - real-...