Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127861-127880 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920FirstGem515A simple gem creation
95,5920td2planetRuby-based server-side blog aggregator
95,5920soundcheckSoundcheck tries to figure out what kind of project you're working on, what test file y...
95,5920inuinu is a Nessus .nessus xml parser and report generation tool
95,5920shiningHTML + CSS + Javascript = awesome presos
95,5920sightstoneRuby wrapper for riots league of legends api
95,5920guard-jslintRun your specs with Jslint watching your javascripts. BETA
95,5920datasourceRuby library to automatically preload data for your serializers
95,5920compass-rainbowsMulti-colored borders with Compass.
95,5920icm-ruby-clientA simple ruby client for InformaCast Mobile.
95,5920fluent-plugin-zabbix-simpleOutput data plugin to Zabbix
95,5920so_paidA no-nonsense, fully configurable Rails credit card/payment vendor gem.
95,5920jekyll-theme-simple-blogSimple Blog Theme is a clean, responsive blogging theme for Jekyll and GitHub Pages, wi...
95,5920rack-fractionMiddleware which lets you to execute arbitrary code just for a certain fraction of requ...
95,5920helperifficFinally, helpers that make sense!
95,5920fix_parametersRedirect if :page query parameter is not an integer.
95,5920google_perspectiveUse google perspective AI.
95,5920inwx-domrobotRuby Client to easily use the Domrobot API of INWX
95,5920realityforge-buildrApache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications. We wanted something that'...