Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129041-129060 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920flight_manifestA collection of configuration objects for flight clusters
95,5920book_finderA gem to find books on libgen and b-ok sites
95,5920dragons_keepSecure Password Keeper Application
95,5920jakewendt-simply_commentablelonger description of your gem
95,5920fixture_meIf you want to generate fixtures from development database for a Ruby on Rails applicat...
95,5920redcar-javamateviewA source editing widget for SWT that understands Textmate syntaxes and themes
95,5920columbia-printersA gem to install Columbia printers on Mac OS 10.6 >=
95,5920bookmakerBookmaker provides authors a free, ruby-based production toolchain for self-published p...
95,5920daily_plannerCreates a daily-planner.txt template file
95,5920captain_vocabDefines any word in the dictionary
95,5920resultifyImplementation for functional concepts like Maybe in Haskell and Result/Option in Rust.
95,5920coinbase_commerce_clientCoinbase Commerce integration client for crypto payments
95,5920gambitGambit is a pure Ruby framework for building Web games. Gambit can manage player accoun...
95,5920tatamiSome help to manage CouchDb
95,5920rack_doublesRack middleware for creating faking responses for HTTP web services that an application...
95,5920charlock_holmes-jrubyJRuby compatible ICU encoding detection build on top of ICU4J.
95,5920jekyll-spatialA simple, spacious, minimalistic design topped off with a large cover image.
95,5920cuatlan-devkitCLI for CUatLan Development Kit.
95,5920BookStoreGemA simple book store gem. Instructions: require 'bookstore_run' BookStoreRun.start
95,5920sevenscale-adhearsionAdhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework