Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129021-129040 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920boof-not-naughtyHeavily armed validation framework.
95,5920eve-gateRuby gem for EVE Online API XML & CREST
95,5920jekyll_archive_displayJekyll tag plugin that lists the names and contents of each entry in a tar file.
95,5920kazkom_epayМодуль работы с платежным шлюзом KKB ePay
95,5920fakecrmFakeCRM is a mock implementation for the Infopark WebCRM. It can be used for offline lo...
95,5920selection_options_forThis code allows you to keep the display labels in the model when the DB holds only...
95,5920ruby-vnuRuby wrapper for Nu HTML validator (https://validator.github.io/validator/)
95,5920helping_handEmbedded help in your Ruby on Rails error pages for learning how to fix bugs when they ...
95,5920bolaA simple hello world bola gem
95,5920robert2d-robotToy Robot CLI
95,5920rubic-rbRubic Gem
95,5920tem_multi_proxyMaintains TEM proxies for all the physically attached TEMs.
95,5920charset_moveCharsetMove is a simple, Ruby based, copyfree licensed command line utility for cha...
95,5920jekyll-binaryThis is Binary, a free and fully responsive website template
95,5920jekyll-theme-golgifAnother jekyll theme.
95,5920hostelEasy host configuration managment. See README fo rmore details.
95,5920footgunComming soon...
95,5920feldsparfunctional ruby
95,5920editorkickerEditorKicker is a pretty tool to invoke your favorite editor and open errored file auto...
95,5920font_awesome_tag_helperAdds Font Awesome tag helpers.