Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129101-129120 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800strings_updaterA simple hello world gem
102,5800udGet words' definitions from Urban Dictionary on the command-line.
102,5800thread_variableMakes it easy to create and use thread-local variables.
102,5800notifiableInsert Notifiable description.
102,5800stack_tracyInvestigate and detect slow methods within the stack trace of your Ruby (optionally Sin...
102,5800signalfx-redis-instrumentationOpenTracing instrumentation for the Redis Ruby client.
102,5800volt-webixVolt component providing reactive wrapper for Webix Javascript library.
102,5800pizzaWrite a longer description. Optional.
102,5800sendcloud-mailA gem to send Mail with SendCloud API
102,5800perkinsContinous integration solution compatible with travis.ci
102,5800barchart_dataExtract data for all-time-highs, new-highs, new-lows and store. Generator for schema ...
102,5800palindrome_gem_zfLearn Enough Ruby: palindrome detector gem
102,5800spree_utagDescription of SpreeUtag.
102,5800rplidarTested on SLAMTEK RPLIDAR A2M8
102,5800static-rubyCreate static and immutable structures in Ruby.
102,5800punkmepunkme gem - generate your own (pixel) punk characters / heads - using your own skinton...
102,5800red_onionImproved caching for Rails
102,5800sinatra-coffeeAdds CoffeeScript rendering support to Sinatra
102,5800smart_hashA smarter alternative to OpenStruct
102,5800my_string_extendrbgThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...